Open the macro editor and write your code. 打开宏编辑器,然后编写代码。
With the spreadsheet open, select Tools-Macro-Macro to display the macro dialog. 打开电子表格后,选择Tools-Macro-Macro,显示宏对话框。
Open the file that contains the macro project that you want to sign. 打开包含要签名的宏项目的文件。
For example, you might want to open a document that contains a macro that the trust center disables because the trust center considers the macro unsafe. 例如,您可能想打开包含被信用中心禁用的宏的文档,因为信任中心认为该宏不安全。
When you open a file or load an add-in that contains a digitally signed macro, the digital signature appears on your computer as a certificate. 当打开的文件或加载的加载项包含以数字方式签署的宏时,数字签名将以证书形式出现在计算机上。
Open the project that contains the macro you want to copy. 打开包含要复制的宏的项目。
For example, you can open a particular database, run a macro, or supply a password. 例如,可以打开某个特定数据库、运行宏或提供密码。
Since a self-signed digital certificate might be a forgery, users will receive a security warning when they open a file that contains a macro project with a self-signed signature. 因为自行签署式数字证书有可能是伪造的,所以当用户打开包含自签名的宏的文件时将会收到安全警告。
Type a macro name, such as open dialog, in the macro name column. 在“宏名”列中,键入宏的名称,如“打开对话框”。
After you have installed the update, you will be warned before you open an RTF document that contains a template or macro. 安装本更新后,用户在打开含有模板或宏的rtf文档之前将接到警告。
If you record a macro and save it using the name "auto_open", the macro will run whenever you open the workbook that contains the macro. 如果您录制一个宏并用“autoopen”这一名称保存它,每次您打开包含此宏的工作簿时,它都会运行。
The following simple example uses the open event to run a macro when you open the workbook. 下面这一简单示例使用“打开”事件在您打开工作簿时运行宏。
If you encounter these limitations, instead of recording an auto_open macro, you must create a VBA procedure for the open event as described in the next section of this article. 如果您遇到这些限制,就不应录制autoopen宏,而必须按本文下一节所述,为“打开”事件创建vba过程。
If no text document is open when you run the macro, it does nothing. 如果运行此宏时没有打开任何文本文档,则此宏不进行任何操作。
Open market operation ofthe central bank can produce a series of macro economy effects: having better control to the total amount of money supply; 中央银行通过公开市场业务操作会产生一系列的宏观经济效果:对货币供应量有较好的控制;
The research of control theory and the economic system which is considered as an open macro complex huge is a new creative exploration. 本文运用从定性到定量综合集成法,将经济系统看作是宏观复杂巨系统,探讨了一种新的以市场经济体制为背景的经济预测、决策和调控理论。
Open Economy: The Disequilibrium Macro model of Exchange Rate and Its Stability 开放经济:汇率的非均衡宏观模型及其稳定性
Being an important variable in the open economy, real exchange rate is very important to the realization of inner and outer equilibrium of macro economy. 作为开放经济中的重要变量,实际汇率对于内外均衡的实现具有重要意义。
In an open economy, the aim of macro-control is to realize macro economy internal and external balance, that is to realize internal and external balance simultaneously. 开放经济下,一国宏观经济调控的目标是实现内外经济均衡,即在实现内部经济均衡的同时保持外部经济均衡。
To satisfy the need of monetary policy adjustment, PBC conducts open market operation in inter-bank market, alters market capital amount in a timely manner according to macro economic environment and guides the changing direction of market interest rate. 中央银行出于货币政策调控的需要在银行间市场进行公开市场操作,根据宏观经济形势实时调控市场资金量,并引导市场利率走势。
Under open condition, external factors mainly cover two levels, one is micro level, another is macro level. 在开放条件下,外部因素主要涵盖在两个层次,一是微观层次,一是宏观层次。
Because the open architecture CNC system is the latest trend in numerical control technology and next generation NC systems, it should have macro function. 开放式数控系统作为数控技术的发展潮流、作为新一代数控系统,理应具备用户宏程序功能。